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What is DKIM?

DKIM, or DomainKeys Identified Mail, is a method of email authentication that allows senders to claim responsibility for their messages. It’s based on public key cryptography, and it works by adding a digital signature to the message header. When the receiver gets an email with DKIM, they check the digital signature to make sure it is valid. If it is, then they know the message has remained unaltered during the transfer.

What is a DKIM record?

A DKIM record is a set of machine-level instructions that are added to your DNS settings, and it tells the internet that the messages are coming from an authenticated source, allowing mail servers to verify that a message has not been altered en route to its destination.

How does DKIM help you?


When you ask yourself, what is DKIM doing to prevent email fraud, get this: the digital signature is a failsafe that cannot be decrypted if the email has been intercepted and altered, so the email gets rejected.


An email sent by an attacker through your domain won’t have your private signature on it, and it will fail to authenticate, which is yet another insight into what is DKIM protecting your organization against.


What is DKIM popularly known for is a reduction in spam emails. Configuring DKIM will greatly reduce the chances of your email ending up in the spam folder, especially with an email marketing campaign.


Moreover, when you set up DKIM, it improves your reputation as a verified source in the eyes of customers, partners, and other services.

Course content
Email Authentication Fundamentals