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DKIM Record Syntax

Breaking down the DKIM Record Syntax

Let’s first take the example of a DKIM record:

Record Name: The Name field in your DKIM record syntax is made up of two parts: a DKIM selector and a domain. The selector is a unique string that identifies the sending domain and helps locate the public key published on the domain’s DNS during a DKIM lookup, and it must be unique across all DKIM signing domains. The domain is the address of your DNS record.

Record Type: This field refers to the resource type of your DKIM record syntax. It may be TXT

(text) record, it can also be a CNAME (canonical name) record depending on your provider. 

TTL: The time-to-live for your record, measured in seconds, is the amount of time the record remains valid per session before it expires or gets refreshed. 

Value: Finally, the DKIM value is your public key that is matched against your private key (the signature key in your email header) to authenticate your emails. 

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