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How to Set Up DKIM for Google Workspace?

Steps to Setup DKIM for Google Workspace (G suite) 

1. Sign in to your Google Admin console (at with super administrator privileges 

2. Go to Apps > Google Workspace > Gmail. 

3. Click Authenticate email. 

4. Your primary domain is selected by default. Click your primary domain name and select another domain where you’ll use DKIM. 

5. Click Generate new record and you’ll see these options: 

  • Select DKIM key bit length: 2048-bit key 
  • Prefix selector—Domain keys include a text string called the prefix selector which you can modify when you generate the key. You can keep the default prefix selector for the Gmail domain key as google. 

6. Click Generate. A DNS TXT record will be generated as shown below: 


7. If you are using a Gsuite domain host partner, check if the DNS TXT record generated in step 6 has been added by default. Otherwise, add the DNS TXT record generated in step 6 above to your DNS: 

The record will look something like this: 

Type: TXT

Hostname (if google is the prefix selector): google._domainkey 

Value: TXT record value generated from step 6 above. 

8. To confirm if you’ve correctly published your DKIM DNS record, Log into your PowerDMARC account > select Power Toolbox from the menu > DKIM record lookup > enter your selector and domain > click Lookup DKIM 

If correctly published, the record will be fetched and displayed. 

9. After adding the DKIM TXT DNS record, click on “Start Authentication” in your Gsuite admin panel 

10. You can send a test email to another Gsuite user and view the headers to confirm that emails are being DKIM signed 

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